Saturday, July 30, 2022

Make Your Own Bubble Tea at Home with a Milk Tea Sealing Machine

Bubble tea, also known as boba tea, pearl milk tea, or simply boba. Although many brands offer variations on the drink in different flavors and at varying price points, bubble tea at home offers an unbeatable way to make your own delicious bubble tea drink without spending tons of money on it and waiting in line at the coffee shop. One of the best ways to make this drink at home is with a milk tea sealing machine that does all the hard work for you! bubble tea equipment wholesale

4 easy steps

1. Heat up some water and tea leaves in a pot on the stove. 

2. Steep for 3-5 minutes, then remove the tea leaves. 

3. Pour the tea into a cup, then add milk and sweetener to taste. 

4. Use the milk tea sealing machine to seal up the cup, then enjoy your delicious bubble tea!

Step 1 - Preparing the mix

Before you can start making bubble tea, you need to mix up a batch of tea concentrate. You can use any type of tea you like, but black tea is traditional. To make the concentrate, brew a pot of very strong tea using twice the amount of tea leaves or teabags that you would normally use. Allow the tea to cool completely, then mix in an equal amount of sugar. Once the sugar is dissolved, add 1/2 cup of tapioca pearls per serving and stir well. Refrigerate the mixture until you're ready to use it.

Step 2 - Filling the straws

Before you can start sealing your tea, you need to fill your straws. You can do this by using a funnel and pouring the tea into the straws. Be sure to leave enough room at the top of the straw so that the tea doesn't spill when you seal it.

Step 3 - Packing the straws in an airtight container

After you've made your delicious bubble tea from bubble tea lid sealer it's time to seal it up and store it in the fridge. A milk tea sealing machine is the perfect way to do this, and it's easy to find one for sale online. Simply pack your straws into the machine and press the button to seal them airtight. This will keep your bubble tea fresh and delicious for days. Plus, it's a lot cheaper than buying bubble tea from a cafe!

Step 4 - Enjoy your homemade bubble tea anytime!

You can now enjoy delicious bubble tea right in your own home, thanks to your new milk tea sealing machine. This machine is easy to use and clean, and it makes a great addition to any kitchen. Plus, it's much cheaper to make your own bubble tea than it is to buy it from a store. Here's how to use your machine to make the perfect cup of bubble tea. Please check our more services bubble tea machine cup sealer

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